TBL Arms: The ONLY defense is YOU!
Best Prices for Defense / Hunting / Outdoor & Survival Gear
SEARCH ONLINE INVENTORY NOW & BUY: CLICK HERE OR SEE ITEMS BELOW or CONTACT US with what you want. Below prices are subject to change due to current market trends.

10-0 Tac Vest: Molle style Tactical Vest which is designed for active shooter scenarios. It allows you a mounting option for one or two F.A.S.T. Systems and additional MOLLE accessories, like spare ammunition pouches. Features a zip down closure system and size adjustments allowing rapid deployment. Especially designed for Law Enforcement and Security Personnel.
Unit shown with STRAC F.A.S.T. System and optional magazine pouches, which are not included.
All colors available.
Price: $68.95
Designed for close quarter combat (CQC) the M4 FAST System is the only reloading device that provides a single recovery point for 3 magazines allowing sub 2 second reloads from any position.
Price: $139
FAST Carrier
Price: $28.95
Springfield 45acp xdm mags:
Price: $28.00
Springfield XD (M) 40SW Mags
Price: $28.00
Chip McCormick Custom 7rd. .45acp M1911
Sale price: $19.09
Chip McCormick Custom: 8 rd. .45acp. With twenty-four years of customer satisfaction, this patented design has proven reliability and 50% tighter tolerances than military specification magazines. Same length as stock magazines with extra capacity and improved performance. This is the same design CMC supplies to America’s top 1911 manufacturers for use as factory standard in their pistols. Available in stainless and blued carbon steel materials. Since 1992, this line of .45 ACP magazines has never suffered from the common problem of cracked feed lips. Available with base pad. This is the 1911 .45 ACP 8rd government carbon blue CLASSIC SERIES MAG™.
Price: $19.26
Taurus 9mm Mag 17Rd Fits: PT92/PT99
Price: $33.88
Kel-Tec 7 Round Magazine For 9MM PF9
Sale price: $17.79
Kel-Tec Mag Extension: Sale Price: $5.50
Ruger Magazine Ruger LCP 380 ACP 6-Round Steel Blue
Price: $23.99
DPMS 19 Round Steel Magazine Available for .308, .260, & .243
Price: $29.00
C Products 5.56 30rd Aluminum Anti Tilt Magpul Follower
Items: 30223AGTCG30 (ss)
Sale price: $12.14
Magpul Industries Polymer Mag 223 Rem/556NATO 30Rd OD Green Fits AR Rifles. Shown w/ punch out.
Price: $ 14.00
Magpul Industries Polymer Mag 223 Rem/556NATO 30Rd DarkEarth w/Window Fits AR Rifles
Price: $17.00
Command Arms AccessoriesMag Coupler,Black, Fits AR-15/M16556NATO (mags not included)
Price: $11.50
Magpul Industries OD Green AR Rifle 223 Rem/556NATO, 3Pc, Mag Assist.
Price: $10.23
Magpul Mag Assist Black, Fits 308 Win mags, 3Pc per box.
Price: $10.47
TacStarSide Saddle, Fits Remington 870, 1100, 1187Caliber 12Ga ,Size 6Rd also available for Benelli, Winchester & Mossburg,
Price: $26.00
TacStar Mag Extender, Fits Rem 870, 12Ga, Size extends to 10Rd.
Price: $40.91
Saiga 12, ProMag 10 round Magazine
Sale Price: $42.50