TBL Arms: The ONLY defense is YOU!
Best Prices for Defense / Hunting / Outdoor & Survival Gear

SRM 1216 Is a 16 round 12ga unit. Shotgun's are now available. Contact us for pricing.

Remington "AOW" in 3 or 4 shot.
Also in Mossburg 500 2 shot,
12 gauge 3" chamber, 6 Inch Barrel .
Own the legal sawed off shotgun!
Load up to 17 rounds of 12 ga bird/buck/slugs...Contact Us and find out how. Click Here
(options extra)
KelTec KSG 12, Bullpup 26.1", 15round w/dual mag tubes. Top Pic rail & flip up sights. Front/rear sling loopsl, rubber butt pad. Taking $638 on all pre-orders....This unit will test your patience for delivery.

Hodgdon's Triple Seven FFF Muzzlelding 1lb FFF - Faster burning powder for use in smaller calibers and makes clean up a breeze. Triple Seven produces the highest velocities of all granular muzzleloading propellants when compared by volume. An added bonus is that this enhanced velocity results in a flatter trajectory and greater down range energy. Triple Seven is sulfur odor-free and virtually odorless as a residue in the barrel.
Order your "Unkle Mikes" & "BLACKHAWK" Holsters, tactical gear and supplies from us. We carry them all! Email for Deals.
Order your "Unkle Mikes" & "BLACKHAWK" Holsters, tactical gear and supplies from us. We carry them all! Email for Deals.
All prices are subject to change due to market demands. Order now!
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